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Old 03-19-2020, 04:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Burd View Post
I saw a video from the cdc, looks like people with type O blood do better with the virus. Type A is way worse.

Just what I needed to hear !!!!
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Old 03-19-2020, 04:39 PM
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Great post, Parkbrau! Landstuhl? I flew in and out of Ramstein for years! We’d stay at the Hotel Christine. Man I miss than town. K-Town was fun too! Sniff....good times.

Stay safe and thanks for your service!!

Old 03-19-2020, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by bergy View Post
Come on guys - arguing over the outcome of this thing is getting ridiculous.

More importantly - have any of our members (or anyone that they know) been infected? ��

I guess an antibody test would tell for sure. I attended the ISCA event in Cincinnati with a group of Norwood Retirees and relatives. I displayed the Last Norwood build there for the public to see. The show had tremendous gate all weekend and I spent time shaking hands all weekend as well.

I had a large bottle of sanitizer on the table and used it liberally all weekend.

All of the retirees got sick after the show within 3-5 days. My cousin got very sick on day 8 her Husband very sick and earlier then her.

Dry Hacking cough, Fever. Two trips to the doctor for him one for her both tested negative for the FLU both recovered. All the retirees recovered.

My wife was sick for 4 days. I was sick for over a week. Low grade fever, headache, and intestinal issues. We both recovered on our own.

Another member of this site was also in close proximity to all of us for an extended period of time. He wound up a asymptomatic, however his wife became very ill 8 days later and was taken to the hospital with pneumonia.

She also recovered.

Do I think this stuff has been here a tad bit longer then we think? You betcha I do.
Old 03-19-2020, 05:12 PM
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OMG - it never stops! Conjecture
Old 03-19-2020, 05:19 PM
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Originally Posted by bergy View Post
OMG - it never stops! Conjecture
Hey you asked. There was no test kits available. The symptoms match.

As my Drill Instructor Dad told me. Son be aware of the question where any answer you provide will be the "wrong answer".
Old 03-19-2020, 05:31 PM
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I give up - have it your way - you were the first to have your own corona pandemic.
Old 03-19-2020, 05:34 PM
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Pretty dramatic fact.
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Old 03-19-2020, 05:48 PM
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Sorry guys, but this will be around way past 60 days. It's now March 19th. China itself has been dealing with it for at least 120 days as there timeline started back in December. They had a few days with no new cases, YET today they had 34. YES there population is huge. Plus you add the fact or there eating habits, like bats, rats dogs and cats multiplied by overcrowding, sure they will probably be the worst hit country on the planet. BUT they have turned the corner HOPEFULLY. North America should be able to do the same.

My friend has 2 daughters in direct contact with the virus with there hospitals in Toronto. They both received letters this week with pretty much a written guarantee they WILL GET COVID 19. They're both in there mid/late 20's. They WILL get sick, BUT THEY WILL RECOVER and once that happens, they WILL NOT GET IT AGAIN.


Then you have this:


10th paragraph:
"The answer is, they didn’t. This virus was created at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and they published the highlights of their creation in November 2015. When you look at the list of “scholars” associated with this Frankenstein of a virus, you’ll see the name Zheng-Li Shi, who just happens to represent the Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China. Of course, there were other scientists, most representing UNC, but there were also representatives from Bellinzona Institute of Microbiology, Zurich, Switzerland and Harvard Medical School."

Now some I have heard about wanting to bring back work from China and not have them a powerhouse in the world, well this virus is doing that!!!!! Next they wanted the southern US boarder closed to illegals, well that is done not too right?

So IF that article is correct, and was in fact made in a lab on NC, with the help of the head of all that Wuhan China stuff, and now it come out that one of the main players in the designing of this, is from GROUND ZERO of the outbreak. And it also just happens to coincides with 2 major issues of bring jobs back to the USA and being LESS dependant on China, plus closes the southern Mexico border.

Not sure I believe that whole thing 100%, but it does make one step back and think for a minute.........................
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Old 03-19-2020, 06:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Burd View Post
I saw a video from the cdc, looks like people with type O blood do better with the virus. Type A is way worse.
Sherri and I went by the Blood Institute Tues. and gave blood. I am O+. I anticipate they will have a shortage of donors, so we wanted to do our part to keep them ahead of the curve.

I am NOT saying the virus will create the need for more blood. Just saying less people will get out and donate.
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Old 03-19-2020, 07:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Mr70 View Post
Pretty dramatic fact.

I feel that is has become clearer here in just a matter of days. It could be a coincidence but I can’t remember being able to see this clearly across the Monterey bay from my house in a very long time, if ever.

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