Hello Charley
I just recently corrected a few things on the car after having Don Bock look at it, Don is currently servicing the radio & 8-track player and I will have it back in the car soon. I also met up with Matt Avery who wrote the new COPO book, Brian Henderson hooked me up with him while the car was on display at the Solid Lifter showroom in June. Matt just finished up a photo shoot of the car for MCR, we took the car to the original Wantz Chevrolet Building and we met up with Leonard Wantz who bought the dealership in 1960 when he was 24 yrs old, and his mechanic (Bud Hahn) who worked there from 1965-1974 & remembers the car well & was friends with the original owner.
Send me your displayed email to send pics & video
Jeff Boone
[email protected]